Mrs. Cindy Martin
Hello, my name is Cindy Martin, and I am excited to be teaching this class and I am glad to have you here. I graduated from East Montgomery High School and from NC State with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Science. I worked at the NC Zoo for 13 years and then began teaching at East Montgomery, but I am excited that I now teach at Montgomery Early College.
I currently teach Honor’s Earth/Environmental Science and Honor’s Biology. Please feel free to contact me anytime you have questions; my email address is
Course Description
Biology is defined as the study of life and is a required science. Biology has four goals:
Bio.1.1: Understand the relationship between the structures and functions of cells and their organelles.
Bio.1.2: Analyze the cell as a living system.
Bio.2.1: Analyze the interdependence of living organisms within their environments.
Bio.2.2: Understand the impact of human activities on the environment (one generation affects the next).
Bio.3.1: Explain how traits are determined by the structure and function of DNA.
Bio.3.2: Understand how the environment, and /or the interaction of alleles, influences the expression of genetic traits.
Bio.3.3: Understand the application of DNA technology.
Bio.3.4: Explain the theory of evolution by natural selection as a mechanism for how species change over time.
Bio.3.5: Understand how classification systems are developed based on speciation.
Bio.4.1: Understand how biological molecules are essential to the survival of living organisms.
Bio.4.2: Analyze the relationships between biochemical processes and energy use.
I have high expectations of my students; this is an EOC course and the students are expected to pass the EOC with a 3, 4 or 5. If students do not meet proficiency, they are expected to attend summer school. Biology is a fast-paced class that includes vocabulary, homework, and projects.
Supplies Needed
You will need paper, pens, pencils, and a computer. I require you to keep all of your paper tests and worksheets so you have them to study for the EOC; you will keep them in folders in the classroom. I expect you to come to class prepared every day.
- Most of the notes are listed on the Canvas course for this class. Students are expected to complete notes and view the material before class. The most important material will be covered in class.
- Students should enter the class in an orderly fashion, retrieve their folders and sit in their seats. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature manner during the class and especially in the lab.
- Students should be in their seats and working on the bell ringer WHEN class begins.
- All students should adhere to all rules in the Montgomery County Schools code of conduct as well as those that are specific to MCEC; this includes cell phones, other electronic devices and it includes eating in class.
- Cell phones are not allowed in class, but you can turn them in at the front of the class for an extra credit point every day!
- Food is not allowed in a science classroom during lab
- Students may be assigned seats, please sit in them.
- Students should raise their hands to ask for help and remain seated during work and instruction time.
- Papers being turned in should be placed in the red crate at the front of the room.
- Work that is turned in through Canvas will have a due date. This work should be turned in before the due date.
- Returned papers will be kept in a folder that will remain in class.
- Missed work is the student’s responsibility and should be completed within 2 days of returning to school for full credit; (sickness, court, ISS).
- All late work (more than 2 days) will receive a grade no higher than 60.
- All work not turned in will receive a grade of 0.
- Come to class on time; a tardy policy is followed.
- Come to class prepared; with notebook, pencil, and computer!
- Be seated and working when class begins
- Follow all directions.
- Respect others (no horseplay, no profanity)
- Respect school property
- NO eating in class
- SMART lunch is required if your average is 80 or below
- Non-verbal warning
- Verbal warning
- Teacher-student conference
- Teacher-student conference and call home
- Teacher-parent contact and send them to the office
Grading Policy
For each six weeks:
Tests 40%
Quizzes 20%
Labs and class work 20%
Notebooks/Journals 10%
Homework 10%
The final exam is worth 25% of your final grade.
(1st 6 weeks grade, 2nd 6 weeks grade, 3rd 6 weeks grade, Final exam)
Biology exams are EOC exams and count as 25% of the final grade.